OHES - Principal's Roundtable
On Monday, January 27th, Mr. Van Hise and Mrs. Caudill will host the first of two Principal Roundtable Discussions. This will be an in-person event, taking place at OHES, as we invite families to join us for an evening dedicated to enhancing the relationship between school and home. The topic of our first “Cubs Connection” will be focused on how we foster a positive, safe, and respectful environment at Orchard Hill. This will include an overview of our Cub Core Values and how we use them to reinforce positive student behavior, as well as support students in reflecting on choices that fall outside of our school rules and expectations.
Please join Mrs. Caudill and I in the OHES media center on Monday, January 27th from 6-7pm. We will divide the sixty minute session into a forty-five minute presentation followed by a fifteen minute question and answer session.
If you are interested in joining us for our first Principal Roundtable Discussion, please RSVP by Friday, January 10th, 2025, using this Google Form. Seats will be confirmed for the first 30 registrants. Those who register after the first 30 seats are filled will have priority for confirmed seats at the second principal roundtable, which will take place later in the school year.
We look forward to spending this important time connecting with our school community!
244 Orchard Road Skillman NJ 08558
Monday, January 27, 2025 6:00pm – Monday, January 27, 2025 11:59pm
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